design research on mathematics education: investigating the progress of Indonesian
fifth grade students’ learning on multiplication of fractions with natural
numbers by Nenden Octavarulia Shanty
Even though there were lots of book which could help
students to conquer fractions, in other part of this world still a lot more
students that have difficulties in fraction, for instance in Indonesia. It is
understandable that in this vast country there are lots of students which have
common difficulty in understanding fraction.
Here, this reflection
paper would tell about a paper about fractions. The activities were approached
differently, so it is believed that the activities that were told in the paper
can help teachers to have alternative way in teaching this particular material.
The activities done in the research were producing
fractions, generating equivalencies, operating through mediating quantity,
doing one own production, on the way to rules for multiplying fraction.
The first activity was producing fraction. Here, students
were aimed to be able to make a construction of partitioning as part of whole,
and symbolize the result if partitioning and show the result. In this first
activity, Nenden used locating flag and water post in a given map and notating
the fractions in empty fraction cards. This activity could be said as quite
different, because here student thought about how they should divide a whole
into several similar partitions.
Can be noted that in several step of the activities, the
researcher used mathematics congress as
way to make students share their idea about solving given problems. And in
the end, a mini lesson, students would have reflect the rule for multiplication
of fraction with natural numbers.
As conclusion, Nenden stated that those activities is a good
context in learning fractions where students allowed to structure and
matematize in the steps. Furthermore, for further study, she suggest to related
fraction and proportion.
link to get the paper click here
link to get the paper click here
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